2/16/2001 Muslim Journal

Islam's Climate for Business Success Excerpts - IV
By Imam W. Deen Mohammed

Creation -- Supported Social Logic

Races and ethnic groups are distinguished by language and by color and features. Of this, Allah the Dearest says: "These differences are signs." My color being "black" and another man's color being "white" and my nose and mouth being thick and another man's being thin: Of these distinctions Allah says they are signs. The difference in the language we speak is also "a sign."

In our Holy Book, the Qur'an, we are told: "Allah made us nations and tribes for us to acknowledge each other." Some translations read "...so that you may know each other." Continuing that Qur'anic message: "...And the most honorable of you are the most regardful." Some translate this as "the most G-d fearing."

Also we are told that Allah gave us our design or our form "and made most excellent" our form. This design or descriptive form is given by G-d for all races.

Qur'anic enlightenment brings us to understand that every race and every person were created on the pattern of "a full complete human." That is to say that we all have this excellence in us as our potential and as a property of our creation. It is clearly given in the Qur'an that Allah made "noble every child of Adam."

"Noble" means giving respect and being worthy of honor. "Noble" implies the best bred and the best blood. "Noble" also means that not only is that person worthy of honor to things deserving of that, but a person of nobility is the ideal person in the refined mind of enlightened societies.

Some societies believe that certain races (colors) have no nobility and can never have nobility, that they are doomed to always be inferior to others. The ancient are the most known for that ignorance. Thanks to Allah, the Lord Creator and the One Lord, civilization, education and scientific information have worked along with good human sentiments to get rid of much of those ugly oppressive racist ideas.

Allah Accepts Only Good

Further quoting the Prophet, he says: "Allah is good and accepts only good." A better translation is: "Allah is good and does not accept other than good." I'm not giving anything that is unnecessary or of little worth. The word for "good" in Arabic also means goodness and those things that qualify to be called useful by the best minded and most decent people.

Another saying from the Prophet is: "The Muslim is the mirror for his brother." Let us see how powerful that saying is. If you want the best mirror, then get the information of what your appearance is and how you look from a good Muslim. Don't run to the dead object (glass reflector).

Two Attributes introduce each of 113 Surahs (chapters) of the Qur'an and appears within the text of the 9th Chapter for a total of 114 Surahs. Every Surah of the Qur'an is accented by these two Attributes, which say: "Allah is the Merciful Benefactor and the Merciful Redeemer -Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim.

Both Attributes are having root in 'Rahma' or Mercy. In order to construct the social benevolence of creation-supported social logic, the Qur'an offers us clear and positive guidance seen in the social role and benefit of created mercy.

The concept of man's beginning is what we want to look at now for a moment. According to most established religions, man had his beginning in Paradise. As pictured in religion, paradise is a condition of bliss, not bothered by anything. Our religion designates that condition as our beginning, that life (existence) formed first in Paradise.

When something went wrong in our behavior, we were ordered get down from that high state, to get down into the earth where we could have a place for all appetites. We are also told that in the earth is where we will reach the mark or miss it. Here on earth we will live, die and be buried.

T h e Qur'anic quote is completed with Allah's Words: "...and from the earth you up again." The Qur'an clearly offers us the social benevolence of creation-supported social logic.

A Sign of Allah's Mercy

The Last Prophet said: "Who is not kind to our weak ones is not of us." This statement is a sign of Allah's Mercy to the worlds. An understanding of the _expression "creation-supported social logic" may come with an observation of natural life. While observing animal behavior toward their young, human nature is touched by animal consideration for the weak.

When we observe the "virgin" social life of animals on educational television, we may be drawn into their world to find ourselves admiring and applauding animal social behavior. I have watched the massive fierce tiger reach down and grab up its baby with frightening teeth without hurting it. The lion or the tiger reach down and grab up its baby with frightening teeth without hurting.

How many of us present a more benevolent picture of our treatment of our young or weak ones? The lion and the tiger can take their big paws that can bring down other massive beasts and with it pick up a pup or a kitten and hold it without causing it pain and scars. No kitten or pup runs to the welfare office or to the police department with a complaint of child abuse against its parents.

The point of view and the connecting sentiments being addressed are promoted by "Islamic teachings" and are preserved in the Qur'an and in the life example of Allah's Messenger Muhammad. To achieve the desired moral idea (moral regulation), creation-supported social logic is proposed as a holy medicine to say there is no "inherent sin."

It serves world society to be aware of this cruel indictment of man's nature by organized (by defective) religion.

The baby born to us comes here as if it were from heaven. Our babies come into this world functionally and perceptually prepared to start a new chapter, a fresh record, a clean slate, another race (opportunity) for our smaller units of family, and for "the family of man" another race for paradise.

Protection from Blind Obedience

Identifying somewhat with the critics who loathe organized religion for its excessive promotion of blind obedience to the discredit of the created worth and intelligence of the multitudes of innocent populations, I trust Allah Most Merciful to protect us from slipping and falling under the spell of worldly arts, Our being fond of a style of _expression or an appealing effect we aim for is sometimes our own self-worked pitfall

I wish to never be noticed for having anything other than an "Islamic" concern for the premier cause of moral consistency on the part of religion. When one tries to gain a more mature appreciation for organized religion by faithfully examining it to see its moral contribution to moral consistency, to the peruser's regrets, a presence of poetic license is seen betraying, overruling and selling out man's premier cause of moral consistency.

More so than any other explanation the belief in moral consistency is the influence behind my making-my religious concerns public. Moreover, my enthusiasm for living, identifying and projecting religious interest is the product of my conviction that Al-Islam ("Islam") is clearly the superior leader in this premier cause of man.

There is no excuse to be merciless to the weak; it is a breach of promise in the moral pledge of man. The natural mother accepts her baby and gives her baby the milk of virgin nature as created by Allah, the Lord Creator of everything. Cow's milk is nice; however, scientific reporting lists cow's milk under more fat, not suited as well to the infant taste, and of less value in the infant's system.

Mother's human milk has agreeable fat and a kinder sugar. We are not to raise our children to have a taste for grease! The ease with which the substance goes down to digestion does not make it good. Mother's human milk is scientifically preferred mainly for its more compatible consistency on the human system.

The mother is not growing her baby to become a bull to stroll around with its several hundreds of pounds in a greed fostering enclosure.

Virgin Mother Nature

Mothers of virgin human nature will not raise their children to live outdoors in the open ("free") air unprotected by human con science and culturally sound and proven traditions.

Mother has the virgin Mother Nature to answer the needs of a mother's care for her child. Yet, in these times, many mothers are too burdened by commercial life's circumstances to act on spiritual, moral and mental impulse. Whatever the case may be in "modern times" for the virtues of Mother Nature in our women, at her birth into this world, every mother had her creation-supported social benevolence.

I have known mothers to be too sick themselves to be out of bed being up in the dead of night caring for their little sick ones. These mothers themselves would have cold and fever, but that did not show in their treatment of their babies. The beauty of it all does not bloom fully for us, except in the creation scheme of Allah's Mercy: "For that purpose (for His Mercy) He (Allah the Creator) created..." us. (Qur'an)

In some situations living for a cause is more of a sacrifice than dying for it. This acknowledged, death remains the ultimate sacrifice. Our mothers and also mother "under" man in the scale of evolution are born having the creation-supported social benevolence to pay the ultimate price to save their children from trouble and death. It will help man to keep in mind the virtues of virgin life upon which the emergence of civilization was possible.

The Seduced Ego

Most likely there would not have been the first image or shrine fashioned to the claim of man's divinity had society been encouraged to keep the whole picture. We should want to caution our societies against a temptation to drink from the strong wine of the seduced ego.

In this presentation, reference is made to our failure to awake to religion-promoted social concepts and social values. Such recognition brings with it a remarkable promotion for man's religious conscience. It brings man to a higher appreciation of religion and of divine revelation as complementing and affirming rather than negating or defaming creation and human nature.

It is the ego of socially unevolved intellects that should be charged with the socially degenerative act of imaging "man" with a capacity to poison love and eclipse and demote the endearment to man of the concept "Creator," G-d.

Protection from Blind Obedience
Comments by Imam W. Deen Mohammed

"Identifying somewhat with the critics who loathe organized religion for its excessive promotion of blind obedience to the discredit of the created worth and intelligence of the multitudes of innocent populations, I trust Allah Most Merciful to protect us from slipping and falling under the spell of worldly arts. Our being fond of a style of _expression or an appealing effect we aim for is sometimes our own self-worked pitfall.

"I wish to never be noticed for having anything other than an 'Islamic' concern for the premier cause of moral consistency on the part of religion. When one tries to gain a more mature appreciation for organized religion by faithfully examining it to see its moral contribution to moral consistency, to the peruser's regrets, a presence of poetic license is seen betraying, overruling and selling out man's premier cause of moral consistency."

-- Imam W. Deen Mohammed


copyright 2001 Imam W.D. Mohammed