New Africa Radio - Speakers

Imam Shuaibe

Imam Faheem Shuaibe is the resident Imam of Masjidul Waritheen and the director of the Clara Mohammed School in Oakland California. He's a very insightful author and lecturer who has given lectures, seminars, and workshops to hundreds of audiences for over sixteen years on the topics of Al-Islam, world politics, human relationships, and societal evolution. He is listed in the International Who's Who Among Intellectuals, and the National Who's Who Among Public Speaking Professionals.

As a top aide and supporter of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Imam Shuaibe has been a part of several distinguished delegations that have taken him around the globe on various educational, religious, interfaith, and peace missions.

To contact Imam Shuaibe, or purchase taped lectures and books, call or write:

Imam Faheem Shuaibe -- E-mail:
c/o Masjidul Waritheen 1652 47th Ave. Oakland, CA 94608 Voice Phone: (510) 869-4793

Visit his website at:


Different Strokes For Different Folks
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The Holy Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad and Al-Islam: Weapons Of Mass Instruction: Part 1
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(posted 6-12-08)
The Holy Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad and Al-Islam: Weapons Of Mass Instruction: Part 2
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(posted 6-12-08)
Interpretation and the Effects of the Qur'an on Man's life: Part 1
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(posted 6-12-08)
Interpretation and the Effects of the Qur'an on Man's life: Part 2
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(posted 6-12-08)
Interpretation and the Effects of the Qur'an on Man's life: Part 3
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(posted 6-12-08)
Interpretation and the Effects of the Qur'an on Man's life: Part 4
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(posted 6-12-08)
Different Strokes for Different Folks: The Universal and the Particular in
Qur'anic Translation and Interpretation
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(posted 6-12-08)
The Need for a New English Translation of the Holy Qur'an
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(posted 6-12-08)