Help Preserve The Knowledge Of Imam W. Deen Mohammed
There are about 26 papers missing. Do you have any?
I think most of us realize the importance of preserving the tremendous knowledge that Imam W. Deen Mohammed gave to us and the world via his printed articles. One of the best ways of preserving this knowledge, (and just as important is sharing this with others) is to put it into digital form (See the excerpt from Imam Mohammed’s lecture titled: Structure, Guard And Publish The Knowledge
When they’re in digital form, all of the Imam’s articles for the last thirty-three years can be copied and shared with others in a matter of minutes. This would be impossible in paper form.
Out of a total of 1748 papers from March 1975 to September 2008, 1721 papers (98%) were checked for articles and scanned . This leaves about 27 papers (2%) that are missing.
Of course every paper didn’t run a new article from Imam Mohammed. Many had no article and some were repeats. For example in 1996 out of the 52 weeks, I had 48 papers to check, and out of that, there were only 9 new articles from the Imam published.
The goal is to scan, preserve, and post 100% of Imam Mohammed’s published articles, but we need your help.
Below is a year by year list of the papers that have not been checked for articles (from the Muslim Journal, Progressions Magazine, AM Journal, World Muslim News, Bilalian News, and Muhammad Speaks).
If you have any of these please contact me, Leslie Taha at .
March 7, 28
October 10 Advice To Sister Clara Muhammad School Students: Part 2
January 1
April 2
May 28
May 6
July 22
February 10
October 18
January 3
May 30
August 29
October 10
November Imam W. Deen Muhammad's Atlanta Address: Part 1
May 29
April 17
January 23
April Address At The University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee: Part 2
June 23
November 31
9-25-92 to 10-2-92 Egypt Takes The Lead: Part 1
October 17
July 16
October 1
7-23-00 to 7-30-00 Saving Our Children, Saving Ourselves: Part 1